CBDA can positively affect more than 350 systems in the body.

"Perhaps the closest thing to a truly effective natural supplement that’s ever been discovered."

- Joel Harrison, Co-Founder of Harbinger Extracts

Support the body’s overall balance (homeostasis) and health.

About Our CBDA

How Cannabinoids Work

Humans have cannabinoid (CBD) receptors throughout their entire bodies From the brain to connective tissues, this network of receptors is known as the Endo-cannabinoid system.

History of Hemp

Hemp, the plant from which our CBDA is derived, was one of the very first agricultural plants. It has been found in digs that date back to 10,000 to 12,000 years ago...

Extraction Process

Our process involves filtering all the plant material through a series of chambers at different ph levels, using simply water.

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